
Sunday, 22 June 2014

Almost There

Sunday 22 June 2014 10:00 GMT + 1

Wow! How fast the time has gone. It seems almost like yesterday that I started planning this ride, although I first started on it shortly after I rode to Geneva in 2009.

Maverick, you are starting to come up to scratch! TheCyclist is most pleased with you. Keep up the good work and you shall be greatly rewarded with a most excellent service when we get back from Nice. Is that fair? In addition, I'll even give you a really great wash 'n' polish before we go to the BBQ tonight. Does that sound good? Mmmmm, I think so, too. So glad you agree with TheCyclist, though. :-)

On a slightly serious note and in response to what so many people have asked me, I'm unable to upload photos instantly, as I don't have a smartphone at all. I only have the loan of a digital camera. As & when I'm able to, I shall be posting messages and photos online.

Not long to go now. I leave after Church this afternoon for JOG and the RATT ride itself starts on Tuesday morning at about 05:00. Yes, yes, I know. "5 o'clock? Who on earth starts riding at 'stupid o'clock' in the morning?", I hear you ask. "Maverick & TheCyclist, that's who!"

"Whaddaya mean, TheCyclist AND Maverick?", wailed Maverick, miserably.

"Oops, sorry, M. That wasn't meant for your ears. Just pretend you never heard that last remark and we'll get along fine."


TheCyclist, Maverick, satnav, bluetooth, charger, mobile phone, kit & the rest. (I know not what. Way too many things to make a list of...) Finally finished packing (almost) at 01:45 this morning.

What more can I say? Time to get moving. All prayers for trafficked victims would be greatly needed and prayers for Maverick & TheCyclist are also very much appreciated.

Thank you all.

In the meantime, all that's left to say is "YEEHAA!" Watch this space.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

It's all in the Numbers

Numbers are always interesting and play a major part in everyones' lives. Some are listed below:

Number of miles left for training: 0

Number of days before I leave for JOG: 4

Number of days before the RATT ride starts: 6

Number of miles left to cycle before I leave on Sunday: 30

Number of days the RATT ride lasts: 32

Number of friends I've made since telling people about RATT: 100 (about)

Number of miles in the RATT ride: 2400 (approximately)

Number of miles ridden in training: 3500 (give or take)

Number of hours in training:More than I care to remember!

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Monday, 9 June 2014

Two Intrepid Cyclists

Monday 09 August 2014

Well, my 1 1/2 hour walk to work at 3:00 am this morning only took me 1hr & 5 minutes, with which I was quite pleased. My leg muscles were starting to ache by the time I arrived, but it was a speed walk, as I did not wish to be late at all. I did not mind, though, as it was such a beautiful morning, even at 3:00 a.m. By 11:00, however, I was, I must admit, struggling, I was so tired. But heyho, my (work) day was done by 2pm. Off to the bike shop then, to which my great friend, Dave, very kindly drove me to get a new tube and then even more kindly, drove me home afterwards. Thank you so much, Dave. You are a real blessing to me.

TS, I shall look after you better in the future, I promise. Beef steaks, pizza, ice cream, all for breakfast, ok? All right, make that new tubes, tyres and oil and maintenance, you being a bicycle. ;)

A quick fit of the new tube and job done. Then out for a ride on Maverick with my other superb friend, Mark. As usual, Mark stretched me, taking TheCyclist and Maverick into places where no man (Me & M, that is...) has been before; viz, via traffic free routes, down footpaths, canal paths right next to rivers, muddy paths, what more can a Maverick wish for?

Two swans and their 3 signets, that’s what. Not! These two lovely, graceful swans and their young were relaxing on the towpath next to the river, right where we were riding. (I’ll tell you something for nothing, if you promise not to tell the whole world, that is...)

The Maverick and Mark were scared, as the instant we tried to edge (very gently, quietly and gingerly) past the family of swans, a loud hissing and wings being very widely spread out rapidly became the order of the day. We backed off and normality reigned once again. "Try again", I suggested, but the swans were having none of it. One then attempted to attack one of our bicycles, so we backed off again. Mark said, “Have you ever seen two scared cyclists before?” to which I replied, “Not before, but I have now!”

Anyway, after about 7 or 8 attempts, we finally succeeded in getting past them in one piece, but we did have to ‘skedaddle’ somewhat hastily away from them, as they started to give chase after us. Oh, the joys of off road cycling.

Mark, that was a brilliant ride. It was only after we finally arrived home, that I realised we had cycled about 18 miles, or so. That definitely made up for the errant behaviour of TS yesterday. Watch this space for more, adventures, thrills, spills and mishaps of Maverick & TheCyclist.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

The best laid plans of mice and men

Sunday 08 June 2104

As you all know, I love cycling. I take all sensible precautions to prevent accidents and ensure I have all reasonable spare for routine and essential maintenance. Or so I like to think, anyway. Well, today, on the way home from work, I realised that I had a flat tyre. I pumped it up, and it stayed inflated for about 10 minutes, before going down again. I then realised that I had no repair facilities for that bike at all. BOO! :( So I had the bright idea of stopping at a friend’s home on the way, except he wasn't there. :( Tried pumping the tyre up, worked for 5 minutes and deflated again! Walked the rest of the way home (about 45 minutes) Arrived home and pumped the tyre up with my super dooper high pressure floor (bicycle) pump with gauge. Success! And it didn't go down at all. So I took it for a spin to see how well it behaved. Stopped after 19 minutes to check the pressure and it felt fine.

Brilliant!, I thought. It just needed some loving high pressure TLC. Right! 30 Exactly 30 seconds later, the tyre had gone flat again. “What on earth?” I wondered. “What's happening?” I pumped it up with a hand pump this time and it stayed up. I decided to try riding it home and it stayed up all the way! “Why?”, I wondered, yet again. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I found a puncture – I had also forgotten that I had long ago inserted some a sealant in the tube, which did the job it was designed to do – to seal the tube, albeit on a temporary basis.

However, therein my plans and care all started to fall apart. After repairing 5 punctures next to each other, I then saw that both the tube & tyre are worn out. Oh well, time to replace it with a new one. Fetch the new one, only to realise it’s completely the wrong size. Ouch! It is the correct size for Maverick, but has the wrong valve, so I cannot use it at all! Neither do I have a spare tyre at all. Big BOO! How that happened that I have no replacement for those two items, I have absolutely no idea at all. Mark, it looks like you have a new tube for your bike. So much for a nice long, training ride this afternoon.

Being Sunday, all the bike shops are closed! Even more painful, since I start work at 05:30 tomorrow morning. I will need to  walk to work and leave home at 03:30, being a 1 & ½ walk to work. Such is life.

And now for the good news. The RATT ride starts in 14, yes, that’s right, FOURTEEN days time.


Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Fun instead of training

Tuesday 03 June 2014 21:26 BST

Another ride today, this time a 35 mile (56 kms) one. On this occasion, it was to do someone a favour and also to get some more training in. However, after yesterday's ride with Mark and being at the stage where I am so sick of training rides, I decided to change my whole attitude. From today, my  training has stopped completely. No, that doesn't mean I've stopped riding at all. On the contrary, I now do even more, except the riding I'm now doing is simply 'fun' riding. It helps me enjoy it more, as all the riding had become a chore, because it became something that I had to do, instead of something that I normally love doing.

So today, I had a fun ride to a pub that seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere, but what a great pub it is. The Dewdrop Inn, Hurley near Burchett's Green & Hurley, it is. Tomorrow? Who knows wher I shall have another fun ride to? I shall exercise that stuff called patience and see what tomorrow brings. 

Watch this space for more exciting adventures of M and The Maverick! 

Just remember, my sponsorship page for this very worthy cause is at Riding Against The TraffiK


Stinging Nettles

Monday 02 May 2014

Yeehaa! Three weeks to go today before RATT ride starts. Training is going good. Had a marvellous ride with a great friend, Mark, yesterday. Went on an off road route to Dorney, alongside Dorney Lake (where part of the 2012 Olympics water races were held) and came back along the banks of the River Thames via Eton. Apart from a fall into some stinging nettles, when I had to stop somewhat suddenly, Mark & I really enjoyed ourselves. At the time of writing this post, my arms are still stinging.  But, heyho, such is life.
We covered a total distance of 20 miles and hardly felt it. As the song , 'I could have danced all night', goes, well, I could have cycled all day, I was enjoying the ride so much. Certainly, it is one cycling route I shall use again.